When recovering from surgery, illness or injury, rest and recuperation is critical. Be careful when you are recovering. Set up your home to accommodate bed rest, and a schedule to keep you on track and practicing healthy habits. Tricks from years of convalescing, recuperating and healing,

If you are recovering from surgery, illness or injury rest and recuperation are critical. You need to be careful when you are recovering. Set up your home to accommodate bed rest, and a schedule to keep you on track and practicing healthy habits. I have spent the equivalent of several years of my life convalescing, resting, recuperating and healing. I have a few tricks up my sleeve.

Bed Rest & Recuperation

When recovering from surgery, illness or injury, rest and recuperation is critical. Be careful when you are recovering. Set up your home to accommodate bed rest, and a schedule to keep you on track and practicing healthy habits. Tricks from years of convalescing, recuperating and healing,

Restricted movement and freedom can really get you down if you are not careful. Having a plan and good habits can go a long way towards making you feel better both mentally and physically. A positive outlook and balancing rest and activity will help heal your body and spirit. Keeping up with some of your more manageable responsibilities will help too.

If you are going to be incapacitated in any way, either due to pain, doctor’s orders or just sheer exhaustion, it always pays to prepare.  If you have some creature comforts packed in some accessible locations it will go a long way towards making your recuperation easier. As will having some activities organized and set aside when television and reading start to bore you.

Coping with the Basics

When recovering from surgery, illness or injury, rest and recuperation is critical. Be careful when you are recovering. Set up your home to accommodate bed rest, and a schedule to keep you on track and practicing healthy habits. Tricks from years of convalescing, recuperating and healing,

Eating and bathing properly are even more challenging, especially if you live alone.  But there are some tips and tricks that can help you live more comfortably while being somewhat independent. If you have the resources and can get comfortable with the idea, there are even some services available to help.

Letting your loved ones help you out can be a good practice as well. If you are on rest restrictions, you can’t do it all yourself. People want to help you, they usually don’t know how. You may not want them waiting on you hand and foot, but there is no harm in asking them to gather a few essentials to leave in easy reach for you. Especially if your circumstances are unplanned and you didn’t have time to prepare.

Staying On Track

When recovering from surgery, illness or injury, rest and recuperation is critical. Be careful when you are recovering. Set up your home to accommodate bed rest, and a schedule to keep you on track and practicing healthy habits. Tricks from years of convalescing, recuperating and healing,

There are diet and exercise regimes that need to be followed, appointments that need to be kept and medication to be tracked. All of this when you don’t want to get off the couch. Keeping your spirits up and maintaining your discipline can be a challenge, one you won’t likely meet every time. But you can help yourself; there are tools that will help you stay on track the days when your will power is low.

A Healthy Recovery

Depending on your circumstances, you may be working to return to your previous life, or you may be embarking on a new journey, one to find the life that satisfies your current needs. Regardless, neither journey is simple and both will need determination and a touch of optimism.

The most important thing is caring for your mind, body and spirit through this journey, so that you come out the other side well and whole. And that you return to your life, or begin a new one with all of the enthusiasm and energy you started with.